about us

Man and Woman at Yellow Boat Dubai with Burj Al Arab Background

Moments into lasting memories

Hi everyone! It’s Michael and Rhea. Welcome to our family blog.


We’re glad that you’ve visited our Blog where we feature the following topics.


About AZEB Lifestyle - Family Blog

With our inspiration – Asher Zion E. Bergado (AZEB)

The main goal of this blog is to share the lifestyle that everyone deserves such as traveling around the world by taking control of your finances and an opportunity to build multiple sources of income by pursuing your passion. 

AZEB Lifestyle

Live the lifestyle you always wanted

This family blog was created to document or record all of our experiences with two main whys. To begin, we must keep ourselves motivated to continue on our journey to step outside of our comfort zones and see the world’s wonders. 

While working for a 5* Hotel in Dubai (Sales), I am also passionate in the Real Estate Industry and currently connected to Ayala Land International Sales Inc. as Marketing Partner.

Finally, our goal is to be of service to others by sharing our experiences and tips to help others in our own small way as an advocate of Financial Literacy, such as proper money management, and investment through Real Estate which is one of the most important factors in creating the lifestyle we desire in our lives.

Hope you enjoy reading the articles that we have prepared and get something out of them.

FREE Financial Literacy Training for OFW

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